Agroland June 8th
With only a few weeks left of Dawson's baby leave we have been trying to squeeze as much family time in while traveling around the peninsula. Knowing my love for all things livestock and flowers, Dawson managed to find this gem hidden away. We called up Westley's best friend and headed out.
Agroland is an amazing place. Filled with so many activities from feeding cattle, sheep and goats to the vast fields filled with wild flowers you can walk through, there really is something here for everyone to enjoy. Watching the boys feed the animals filled my heart. They were so gentle yet so excited by every little noise each one made. The calves tried eating their fingers and the goats their hair( they weren't impressed with that part). I was loving on the sheep and the newborn goats. A sheep sneezed in Wade's face leaving it covered in chewed up hay and salvia.. I guess that is one way to build his immune system. We took a tractor ride through the property and then a walk through the flower fields stopping and playing on the slides. My favorite part was the pond filled with Lilly pads in bloom. Westley loved feeding the cows and "rawring" like a Dino at the bull. He looked so at home with the animals. Wades toes got licked by the cows and he loved it. Both boys were so calm around the animals it made this mama heart so full. We ended the day in our matching cow pajamas reading stories.
Things you should know:
Only about an hour away from Camp Humphreys, this is the perfect place to take a day trip too! There is a small entrance fee but kiddos 3 and under are free! Parking is also free! We will be going back for sure!
Naver Map]
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