Labor Day Weekend

It's not very often Dawson gets a four day weekend so we wanted to make the most out of it. Saturday we took the day to chill out, something we all desperately needed. Sunday, being our family fun day, we headed to Bear Tree Park. Located near Asan, Bear Tree park is only about 30 minutes away making it the perfect place for us. It was about $24 USD for the four of us to enter the park. Once we entered we went left and followed the path around the park. The first stop we made was to feed the fish. ( The feed is 1,000 won) so Westley had a blast getting a few cups. We ventured on and came up to the pets portion of the park. From goats, bears, deer, and rabbits Westley had a blast " dino powering" to all the animals. The next stop we made was to the bear portion of the park, Where we also got to feed the bears for 1,000 won. It was a hot day but the bears seemed decently happy and healthy which made Dawson and I feel a lot better. We ended the day walking up to the viewing tower, which was beautiful. If you have littles this would be the perfect place for an afternoon trip!

Naver: [Naver Map]

Bear Tree Park

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